Wednesday, December 22, 2004

signing off

right, that's just about it for the Canada Chronicles.
leaving for new york in 12 hrs, will be back in van for a night before heading back.
won the last game of risk, but, in the absence of the anakin skywalker/darth vader of the "pincer movement", it was a victory that rang just a little hollow.. ah well

anyway, props to everyone i spent any bit of my time here with...
special mentions go out to:
the pontiac
sam, ian, leonard, kim and ben
bryn, akash, joe, andrew and ali
deb, angela, garry, charlene
lennon, yanling, celeste
risk, scrabble, shabusen, samurai sushi, congee noodle house, krispy kreme, church's, gin's kitchen, 99 B-line, nos. 17 and 4, oh! henry, travelcuts, gage, buchanan, koerner's, gallery, pit, law faculty lounge, chem eng lounge, the sub, second cup, the village, whistler, blackcomb, cypress...
broadway, 10th, 4th, granville, burrard, robson
molson canadian

ah i'm getting all nostalgic...

if you didn't make the list, well don't be a baby about it! as if getting on this list meant anything anyway heh.

be spontaneous.

that's all guys, you've been a great audience.

thank you, and have a good night.

Saturday, December 18, 2004


exams are over, back for more snowboarding, new york trip coming soon.
life is good.
sam's back in sg, eh thanks for the good times man.
we'll be spontaneous in sg when i get back
i know we settled on blk 85, but you never know.
maybe we end up in JB? keep your passport handy.

i have about 4 days left in vancouver, but if there's one thing i know, it's that
it's not about what you do, but who you do it with.
so, with that in mind, i'd like to thank everyone who has played any part at all in my vancouver adventures, no matter how small a role, be assured, you made a difference.

oh wait, there's something else i know as well
it's not about who you do, but what you do it with.


Wednesday, December 15, 2004


radio: if you took a person's veins and laid them end to end...... he'd be dead

tv: on a scale of 1 to 10, a 5 would be a 2

friend: the german nazis are the worst kind. the japanese weren't as bad

written note: i'm couch, thank you for lending it

oh and yeah it's finals now. hence the relative inactivity. the worst thing about finals is not the finals or the preparation or whatever, but that everyone just shuts down and does nothing but study.

i've never been this bored before

Friday, December 10, 2004

so i look in your direction, but you pay me no attention, do you?

i know you don't listen to me, cos you say you see straight through me, don't you?

but on and on
from the moment i wake
to the moment i sleep
i'll be there by your side
just you try and stop me
i'll be waiting in line
just to see if you care

Monday, December 06, 2004

winter wonderland

you wanna know why i'm so behind my deadlines? well this is it.

the ski season is upon us, and you can't expect us not to go riding. well, it was awesome. the mountains are awesome, the snowboarding is awesome, the snow is awesome, the food is awesome, the village is awesome, the staying over at sam's... not so awesome, the early morning drive up to snow-capped cypress was awesome, the initial learning to plow... see staying over at sam's, the finally getting how to plow was awesome, the first time going down a run was awesome, the finally getting how to do S-turns was awesome, the going down the blue run 'Fork' on cypress.... not awesome at all.

with so much awesomeness packed into just one activity, i'm pretty sure i'll be headed up much too much.

besides the snowboarding, we also had a yuppie shirt outing and dinner treat for ian and sam for being who they are, which culminated in a night full of non-yuppie activities like darts, pool, counterstrike, arcade games, air hockey, and, of course foosball. do i hear you say "well what about Risk?!". to you, i answer, "you must be an ignorant fool for there are 6 of us and we only play risk with 5."

these past weeks also included my birthday treat, which of course came with birthday presents and 'presents', which was nice. also santa claus parade (i don't know why we went). also the last week of school. also plenty of spontaneous moments (indeed, whole nights) of mild madness.

leaving in 16 days. am gonna miss this place.

photos below.

P.S. other than the first few Whistler shots, the rest are cypress. doesn't matter, it's all awesome.

i dunno. just one of those things.

whistler blackcomb. where the 2010 winter olympics are gonna be.


learning to ride is a bitch, especially if you're wearing red women's ski pants and a helmet.

leonard plowing down cypress mountain

its real easy on the eyes.

even more scenery

scenery blah. beautiful.


getting off the ski lift

just taking a break

riding shotgun on the skidoo after my bindings snapped.

johnny the 10 year old ski patrol. we almost had to kill little rat to silence him


kim laying the smack down on sam

the best dressed foosball match ever. raffles (leonard and heikal) vs. AC (ian and sam)

spongebob squarepants at the santa claus parade